ux concepts

How A Good UX Can Reduce Stress Levels

We can all agree that finding ways to reduce stress levels is a good thing. We all deal with stress on a daily basis, but good UX actually helps to…

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6 Skills You Need To Have As A UX Designer

While the jury's out on the exact skills we should have as UX designers, there are some UX designer skills we all need to be successful. Without certain skills, UX…

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These 4 Things Can Provide An Incredible UX

While UX design always seems like a complex, mysterious process, the secret to incredible UX actually comes down to four things. Obviously, the biggest key to better UX is to…

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UX Is More Than Usability

Usability and UX are often used interchangeably, but UX is more than usability. Yet, we're always told as designers that usability is the most important thing. But, we also know…

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The Psychology Behind User Experience Design

We're far more than just UX designers - we're also mind readers. Okay, so we attempt to be mind readers. That is the basics of the psychology behind user experience…

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What Is A UX Design And How Does It Work

One of the biggest challenges we face as UX designers is explaining what we do. We understand it, but non-designers constantly wonder what our part in a project might be.…

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How To Improve The UX For A/B Testing

It's always amazing how ineffective A/B testing is when it's not done right. We've probably all experienced the frustration of testing and testing, only to get minimal results. So where…

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6 Tips On How To Design For An Experience

UX is supposed to be this perfect blend of design and experience, but how often do we get carried away with the design and forget about the experience? Another problem…

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In The Infinite Scrolling Vs. Pagination Battle, Which Should UX Designers Choose

When it comes to presenting content, UX designers have two main choices - infinite scrolling or pagination. We probably all have our own favorite, but which one is actually best…

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The Benefit Of The Shortest Route Between Problem And Solution

We've been taught that the faster we come to a solution, the worse that solution probably is. In some cases, that's true, but it's not about speed. It's about taking…

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